Interview with Anna Madill, CEO and Founder of Avenue



How did you know that you wanted to be a B Corp from the very beginning of starting your company?

When I founded Avenue in 2016, it was with the purpose of creating a digital marketing agency that would have a culture of community engagement, service and employee wellbeing – things I had felt were missing from previous professional experiences. This was before I even knew B Corps existed (I probably shouldn’t be saying that!). We do digital marketing and social media work for purpose-driven companies, and my passion for community engagement, board service and volunteer work inspired me to build a company that would be able to create a lasting impact outside of digital marketing. As soon as I learned that B Corps existed (in late 2016 – shout out to my then-future-husband, Cameron Madill of PixelSpoke who co-founded B Local PDX with Emily Goetz of Pyramid Communications), I knew I had found my outlet and the community that would enable me to put my values and purpose into practice in a measurable and accountable way – via B Corp Certification. As soon as Avenue passed the one-year threshold of being in business, we certified!

For a small company, you put an incredible amount of energy into a polished Annual Impact Report - what’s your advice to other companies on why it pays off to go the extra mile on your Impact Report?

Thank you. For the first couple of years as a B Corp, the fear of perfectionism (design and impact) actually hindered Avenue from publishing an annual Impact Report. I later realized that sharing the unique ways Avenue was implementing our B Corp practices would be helpful as an accountability tool for ourselves, as well as a way to share best practices and ideas with aspiring Bs, inspire others and bring greater awareness to the ways in which even non-B Corps could think about being a more responsible company. Our first report was low on design aesthetic, but high on positive intent. The biggest hurdle was just getting started. Now, when Impact Report time rolls around each year, we get to celebrate as a team by reflecting back on the impact and successes we’ve had, as well as challenge and inspire ourselves to keep digging into continual improvements for our business. My advice is to not let the perceived time or need to deliver a “buttoned-up” report hold a company back from investing the time to create an Impact Report. The report is simply a way to share valuable knowledge with the community and inspire others to improve. And, bonus points, the transparency an Impact Report provides also earns points on the B Lab certification under Governance!

What’s your favorite B Local PDX event and why?

BLD PNW! This event has always brought a mix of inspiration, connection and learning into one place. I learn new things and leave with innovative ideas for Avenue every year.

You are personally participating in this new CEO cohort program - what did you think of it and would you recommend it to other B Corp CEOs?

10/10 would recommend. The cohort is comprised of CEOs who share my same values, mission and purpose. They are inspiring achievers, yet also compassionate humans. I’m honored to be in their company and excited for what our journey together will enable me to learn and grow as a leader and business owner.

What’s the one main reason why Avenue is a B Corp and why you + your team keep engaging in the B Corp community?

Avenue is a B Corp because business means much more to us than scaling and turning a profit, though those are also important. It’s about using business as a force for good. Good for our employees (the #1 thing I think about on a daily basis is my team), good for the community and good for the environment. Our work as a B Corp has continually attracted team members to Avenue who share our values and are passionate about continuing to engage in the B Corp community. And at the end of the day, being a B Corp is just good for my heart.




Volunteer Spotlight: Carling Leon, Thesis